Pengaruh Parenting Stress terhadap Harga Diri Orangtua di JABODETABEK


  • Lita Patricia Lunanta 08161933638
  • Andi Rina Hatta Universitas Esa Unggul
  • Veronica Kristiyani Universitas Esa Unggul
  • Srifianti Srifianti Universitas Esa Unggul



parenting stress, self-esteem, middle childhood


Situations that parents handle affect how they parent their children and this will affect how
their children develop later on. The aim of this research is to analyze how parenting stress
affects other factors in parent’s psychological condition, especially in their self-esteem. This
research was held to parents with middle school children who live in JABODETABEK with
241 participants. The scale that was used to measure parenting stress is the one that Berry and
Jones (1995) developed and to measure self-esteem is The Coopersmith Self-Esteem Inventory
that was developed by Ryden (1978). This research used a quantitative descriptive method to
describe parenting stress and self-esteem of participants and used simple regression analysis
to measure how parenting stress affects self-esteem of middle school children’s parents. From
the statistical analysis it was found that parenting stress contributed negatively (t (241) = -
7.330, p <0.005) to self-esteem of parents with middle school age children in JABODETABEK.
The higher the parenting stress the lower self-esteem becomes. Parenting stress contributed 18
percent to self-esteem that means the remaining 82 percent of a parent's self-esteem was
determined by other factors.

Author Biographies

Andi Rina Hatta, Universitas Esa Unggul

Fakultas Psikologi


Veronica Kristiyani, Universitas Esa Unggul

Fakultas Psikologi

Srifianti Srifianti, Universitas Esa Unggul

Fakultas Psikologi


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