
  • Lupita Novisari
  • Rayini Dahesihsari Fakultas Psikologi, Universitas Katolik Indonesia Atma Jaya, Jakarta



Millenials, Generation, Decision making process model, Turnover


Millenials generation is the generation that grow up during the development of the Internet.
One of the millenial generation phenomenon is the high turnover in the workplace. This is
difficult to understand and to predict by management. As a result, organizations are
overwhelmed to deal with this, and recruitment cost is increased to get a new employee
again. Therefore, it is important to understand the decision-making process of millenials
employees for changing jobs. This study aimed to explore the decision-making turnover
process of millenials employees in Jakarta. The method used is qualitative with data
collection techniques using interviews with five participants, consisted of three women and
two men, aged 16-36 years old and have a minimum educational background of bachelor’s
degree and work in Jakarta. Other criteria of participants is that they have moved to different
workplace at least 2 times with an average length of work a maximum of 3 years. Results
from this study was that every participant has a unique dynamic and different from each
other, but there were the same distinctive characteristics of the millenials generation in
taking decisions and customization. They knew what they want, and they expressed it to the
management. The availability of job offers is among the meaningful factor to consider during
the decision-making process


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