
  • Akasya Shintaningtyas Fakultas Psikologi, Universitas Katolik Indonesia Atma Jaya, Jakarta
  • Dhevy Setya Wibawa Fakultas Psikologi, Universitas Katolik Indonesia Atma Jaya, Jakarta



Resilience, teenages girl, orphanage


Teenagers have various problems including those who live in orphanages for various reasons.
This situation can cause them to encounter various problems from their inner side and the
environment such as, resignation due to lack of attention from their closest person,
withdrawing from the society, facing the challenges feels heavy, difficult to be open with the
surrounding community especially after they leave the orphanage and this often happens to
adolescents women. However, there are young women who are able to turn these negative
consequences into challenges to get up and develop themselves in a positive direction. This
qualitative study uses a semi-structured interview which aims to look at the factors of resilience
of adolescent girls living in orphanages in terms of Grotberg's theory, among others, the
factors I Am, I Can and I Have with three female teenage participants who have a minimum of
one year of living in orphanage. The results of this study indicate that the factors I Have
(environmental support), I Am (self-strength) and I Can (social and interpersonal) are related
to each other, although in factor I Can there are some young women who still have high
emotions but they has been able to control his emotions thanks to the support and assistance
from the surrounding environment which can be the strength of self to determine future life


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